Thursday, February 21, 2008

Everything You'd Ever Want to Know (Ever)

So, I've noticed this lovely idea of a blog is a little slow in getting started. It's a good idea, I think, it's just that we are all so busy and probably also have other blogs we're posting on. Anyway, I just thought I'd make a post that is all you could ever want to know about me since I left Snow College since that is really what I want to know about all of you. So, here goes:
I married Josh Harber July 16, 1999 in Las Vegas. We lived in Las Vegas for the next 7 years while Josh worked for his uncle's construction company. We had Jacob in May 2000, Anna in February 2002, Maggie in March 2004 and Will in April 2006. We started out living in an apartment and then bought our first little home. We lived there for 2 years and then began building our dream home. We lived in the dream home for less than a year before moving to Pinedale, Wyoming. Pinedale is about 70 miles southeast of Jackson Hole. It is very beautiful here and it's the small little town in Wyoming that I always dreamed of raising my family in. Josh started his own construction company here and loves being his own boss although there are definitely downfalls to being self-employed. My brother, Nate and his family live here too and is one of Pinedale's dentists. The town is pretty small-about 2500 people maybe. One elementary school, middle school, high school. One grocery store. The nearest Target is 4 hours away!!! I've become very adept at online shopping. The winters are pretty cold with temperatures going below zero pretty frequently. I still love running and organizing and of course, being a mom. I'm loving hearing about all you guys and still count my days at Snow as some of the funnest of my life. So, there you go. Tag. You're all it.

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