Monday, February 25, 2008

All about Me

After reading about everyone else i realized i better give the low down of past few years of me.
After Snow I went to SUU one semester before leaving on my mission to Belgium and France. When i got back i went to BYU. It was so big and different from Snow that i freaked out the first while, until i got into my major classes and they were small. Only about 15 of us going through at the same time. I studied Art Education and got my degree in Kindergarten through 12 grade. I met Budd 6 months after i had been home and we got married 6 months later. We had one more year left at BYU and i graduated in 2003. IN Aug of 2003 we moved to Ogden Ut to start a business called Island Ink-Jet, where we refill printer cartridges. It is still going today, barely getting by and we have now gotten out of the franchise and are called Quick Ink. I sustitute taught art and French when we first came to Ogden, and was pregnant with Brinlee. She was born April 2004. Budd has done other jobs on the side, and Mortgages the past couple years. We moved to Clearfield and bought a condo, had Spencer Jan 2006, and then moved into a house in Layton 6 months ago. I have been working 2 days teaching art at an elementary school the past 3 years, and have now opened a small art school in my basement where i teach kids after school. I love it !
There are all the crazies about me.
We really need to plan a Big Mag 4 get together. I would love to see you all.


mags said...

I wish I could take art classes from you! I want to see your stuff!

Sarah said...

That's so great that you've kept up with your love of art! I've always admired people who have artistic ability!